2018  saladsk8.com | Salad Days Skateboard Co. | The Salad Bowl

Salad Days Skateboard Co. Part 5: Endeavor (1) (2) (page 3) The overall lack & major need for skateboard filmers, photographers, professionals, demo's, events & just the overall professional skateboarder being seen out here on a regular basis is nil to none, much less seeing a team of them on a regular basis. I feel that I know what is lacking & what is not. I also know that I can quit all of this & walk away, if this doesn't work out as I have planned. I do not have any investors involved in this company, there are no stock holders, no business loans & there is currently little to no risk in it for me. It's all my own money (I've invested thousands of dollars into this), my time (9 years now), my own hard work, my personal know how & if anyone wants to come join the party & make it twice as nice than what it is already, you are more than welcome at anytime. Two heads are better than one. Last I checked it was old men who were running these skateboard companies (Not 20 year old kids, right?) & I'm an old dude now; with a lot of time on my hands & very little responsibility to anyone besides myself & the skateboard community here; because I grew up in it & I truly know what is going on & what needs to change. Is there a young kid running a successful skateboard company out there that I don't know about? I could be wrong. Later on, when I'm done having my fun with it, I can pass it on to you & then you too can start having all this "fun" as well. We all have the freedom of choice, I can't force you to do nothing you don't want to do & I got a million & one things to do on the daily as far as this company goes in making sure that everything about it is straight. These are just some of my endeavors behind starting a skateboard company here & these are some of the reasons why I started things like the Krewtons page & the Field Guide. They don't just highlight me, it highlights us, my friends, the locals, where we live, all of our battles in the battlegrounds, our history, our streets. Which I am hoping will also be a part of its history & a possible future in Salad Days' strife for longevity. There are two definitions to the term, Salad Days, either the time when you were young & inexperienced; or it can mean a peak, or period of someone's glory days. I knew that it was the perfect name for this company, especially in regards to what I am trying to do with it & where it's coming from. Started in Salinas, which is the Salad Bowl Capitol of the world, where we usually have perfect days most days of the year. Which is why it is perfect for the billion dollar a day agricultural industry here. Ideas were thought out & from my research, no other skateboard company had existed with that name. It was only associated with a band, a skateboard magazine in Mexico & a skate video (coincidentally) from Santa Cruz & of course, the title of a Minor Threat song. At first it was all planned out in my head & then I started writing it down on paper & started it the 1st of January 2009 & it grew day by day, until it is today what it is & it is still growing. All it needs is a little water, some sunshine, which is technically us, the skateboarders here, plus the people who live here as well that don't skate & also more from myself as well. Thanks again for reading this I know it was long, but I hope it was worth it & it helps you understand what it all means now, what the difference is between Salad Days & the other companies that are not only out there, but what I can possibly make it out to be for us. We are the city and the city needs it's own. Especially Salinas. So in conclusion, I've given you the macrocosm of Salad Days Skateboard Co; it's overall beginnings & just how it evolved into what it is today & what my vision is for it. I've explained my endeavors behind it. Salinas being the city of this area needs a skateboard company. This entire Central Coast of California needs to be represented exclusively by something. The skaters from this entire area need somebody to represent them & to be there to help them in numerous ways either through physical, moral, or verbal support. It can't be all put on only a few companies here, we need more outlets that cater to the skate community here. My other endeavor is to fight against the lack & need for industry in this area, the lack of generally known skate history here, the lack of photographers, skate filmers, skate board professionals, skate board competitions & events. I'm fighting against the disconnection. It was funny to me that when I started it, people would always have some input about what I should do, or what I should be doing instead. Of course I listened, but it always seemed to me that they all wanted my business to be more successful than even I could envision it. However, the way I envisioned it, was that I knew it wasn't going to be easy & I knew that it wasn't going to happen overnight especially; doing it only by myself. (People always got suggestions, but when you try to get them to participate; they suddenly turn into ghosts & shadows. Become unavailable.) I could actually perceive the work I had to do & the time I had to get it done. Because there was a plan. Sometimes it felt like I was David fighting Goliath & while I won some battles, the war was & still is, far from over. I personally want to thank all supporters from the past, present & future. I can't really say where this is all going, or if it is going to work out, but what I do know for certain is that for once, things are (for now), going according to a plan made a long time ago & this is only the beginning of it. What I have told you this whole time, is the foundation of why & where this company came from. I don't know if it's going to whither up & die, or flourish from here on; only time can tell. What I do know is that it is going to take more than me to keep it going, it's going to take all of you out there to make it work. I've done the best I could with it so far, Salad Days Skateboard's beginning was all me, but it's mostly for you out there than it is for me & it doesn't take much from you, because I've done most of the hard work already. All you got to do is have a little faith & start becoming a part of it & that way, in case something were to happen to me, you can still keep this outlet alive. So later on, you're not trying to buy this stuff, just because I died. It's going to be way too late then folks. Ride on players - Ol' Dirty Hen (1) (2) (page 3)