2018  saladsk8.com | Salad Days Skateboard Co. | The Salad Bowl

Salad Days Skateboard Co. Part 5: Endeavor (page 1) (2) (3) Currently, I sit at a crossroad in my life & have a decision to make. (Some would also call it a mid-life crisis.) I either go ahead full steam with this, or I do not. Do I start spending 14 hours a day just running my own business, or do I keep juggling two jobs, until eventually; something gives & I'm forced to choose? Between the events page, this blog, the field guide, product & video production, product development, sales, side jobs, social media & accounting; this company is a 14 hour a day job in itself & I'm the only employee; both the C.E.O. & the janitor. Nobody has applied for a job here, no one has volunteered, or consistently shown up & nobody is apparently hungry enough, nor perceptive enough to understand what I've laid out for them, because they've never seen nothing like this before; or maybe I'm just not working smarter? What I have noticed is that, instead of working with me, others have decided that they can do better & end up doing their own thing, only to end up making the same mistakes I made, or coming to the same realizations I've came too; instead of listening & understanding what I'm saying. Which is weird because, if you've been reading this blog from the start & listen to these stories of mine, I hope you understand what you're getting yourself into? There's no trying, you have to do it; self-sacrifice. A life lesson you should have learned from skateboarding. Do you have any idea how much money it takes to run a skateboard company? Keep in mind, I'm not rich, I don't come from money & nobody left me an inheritance. Learn from me as an example, because if you don't recognize me as a skateboard lover & a testament to what the skateboarder, not just from Salinas, but everywhere goes through, as they try to build up something that doesn't exist in their town; but does everywhere else. Somehow, if you can find some reason of why you cannot support that endeavor, then nobody should be skateboarding at all; much less here. Nobody. I've sat around for years, watching & waiting for somebody to just do something here that is what I envision being here & should be here. I've lived in Los Angeles, Oceanside & San Francisco, I've been up & down California, across the nation & saw skateboarding there, saw what the differences are for us; as compared to others & brought that mentality back home. I sat around & waited for these companies to do something & they pretty much did nothing; at least for us. I'm from the late 80's, early 90's generation of skateboarders from Salinas, before Jason Sakasegawa, SBK & Tall Boiz. I come from the generation right after Julian Vela, Pete Piazza & Caesar Singh. I am one of the last skaters from Salinas that is still out there skating & doing his thing, who was hanging out with one of the last professional skateboarders that Salinas has ever produced & made. So I've been waiting & watching for a very long time. I've always been there & I plan to stick around as best I can from here on out, but for right now; "it's my turn." Enough is enough. Besides, who else is more qualified to do this that is from here? But what I need from all of you guys & gals is your help too. Don't get it twisted. I need your participation (reading this is a good start), I need your word of mouth (sharing is caring), I need your monetary support (merch), your physical support (work), your thoughts & ideas (communication). If we are really going to be serious about this & get it done. (page 1) (2) (3)