Salad Days Skateboard Co. Part 5: Endeavor (1) (page 2) (3) I have a job & with the skills I gained from working it over the years, I will always have a job. I have multiple skills & just from how I built this company alone by myself, I'm sure I could also find some high paying desk job somewhere as well, not only because I know a little about business, or I know how to build a website (saladsk8.com), I know how to screen print, or from the skills at my other job that I work at as well; so money is not really my endeavor. I have this thing about making money off of skateboarding & it has mostly been the main reason why I haven't really been too adamant & persistent about selling product. Yet, I also understand that to give you what you need, I need to have a company that can provide goods & services to everyone here (& that's a lot), including a surplus of other resources at its disposal. While currently, one of my endeavors is to highlight the skaters of this area as best I can & to hook some of you guys up if the need be. It takes money to send people to contests & to pay photographers, get video clips, take road trips & tours, etc. It takes money to throw demo's, contest & functions at places for particular reasons, including the cost of gas to drive here, there & get the job done. Plus you got payrolls, business expenses & a whole bunch of other problems on the regular. I feel that so much talent was wasted here over the years & it's not only just because there was not much local support from board companies, it is that about most folks here are also not helping them out in staying focused on their goals. Nobody can help anybody else, because nobody can help themselves. I'm here to tell you that, I can help. So many of you have supported this company in the past in the ways that I've mentioned earlier & because of just the smallest bit of support from each & every one of you; I hope that you can see how far this company has come. I can't speak for other people, but me personally I think it has done quite well, so far. Especially when I come across photos of past products, events, or whenever I can help you in whatever way; whether it be with information, some gear, or whatever it is you're looking for, or need help with. So as you can see, living off of skateboarding is not my endeavor, I just like to work & I realized that I could link it all together & it would work. I had to learn about screen printing, the different types of business structures, models, rules & ethics. I had to relearn the business side of skateboarding. I made some skate videos, I also made some skate products & made sure my friends, family & self were alright. Just for starters. My next endeavor is to also highlight to the skateboarding industry, the overall lack of industry here & what you're missing as far as talent goes in this section of California, because it is never really talked about. Plus, what this area has to offer as a whole, multiple untouched spots, multiple skateboarders, multiple towns & a deep connection to the history of skateboarding, spanning from Natas to Mark Gonzales, Steve Caballero to Jason Jessee, from Justin Girard to Caesar Singh, from Jesse Paez to Emmanuel Guzman & the list goes on. Many of the kids here are not aware of their skate history here (myself included), nor are they told. It is bigger than fortune & fame kids, it's only your heritage & culture, no big deal. It's only what makes Santa Cruz what it is. However, there are so many different towns that are here & they all have diverse scenes & different assortments of styles from many different talented people. I want this company to represent that part of the Central Coast skateboarding scene here. I want to be fully integrated in as much of it as possible. I personally have lived in most of the towns here, including my friends as well, so I would like to think that I speak a little truth in this matter. The overall lack & major need for skateboard filmers, photographers, professionals, demo's, events & just the overall professional skateboarder being seen out here on a regular basis is nil to none, much less seeing a team of them on a regular basis. I feel that I know what is lacking & what is not. I also know that I can quit all of this & walk away, if this doesn't work out as I have planned. I do not have any investors involved in this company, there are no stock holders, no business loans & there is currently little to no risk in it for me. It's all my own money (I've invested thousands of dollars into this), my time (9 years now), my own hard work, my personal know how & if anyone wants to come join the party & make it twice as nice than what it is already, you are more than welcome at anytime. Two heads are better than one. Last I checked it was old men who were running these skateboard companies (Not 20 year old kids, right?) & I'm an old dude now; with a lot of time on my hands & very little responsibility to anyone besides myself & the skateboard community here; because I grew up in it & I truly know what is going on & what needs to change. Is there a young kid running a successful skateboard company out there that I don't know about? I could be wrong. Later on, when I'm done having my fun with it, I can pass it on to you & then you too can start having all this "fun" as well. We all have the freedom of choice, I can't force you to do nothing you don't want to do & I got a million & one things to do on the daily as far as this company goes in making sure that everything about it is straight. These are just some of my endeavors behind starting a skateboard company here & these are some of the reasons why I started things like the Krewtons page & the Field Guide. They don't just highlight me, it highlights us, my friends, the locals, where we live, all of our battles in the battlegrounds, our history, our streets. Which I am hoping will also be a part of its history & a possible future in Salad Days' strife for longevity. (1) (page 2) (3)

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